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looking in original maps

How can I get the vmf files from the Test Chambers from the Portal Campaign?

I could really use those, to see how they made that pyshics prop which makes sound, the radio :P

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

Here ya go. I've got all the maps decompiled, and labeled correctly... the beginning maps have 2 chambers per vmf, later levels are 1 chamber per map file. Enjoy :D

I could upload this to the database if anybody wants it there. Just not sure where I'd post it.

User was warned for this post. Decompiled maps might as well be warez.


My apologies! :cry:

Do what I did: Open the bsp up in wordpad, search for the radio model, note the targetname of the prop entity. Search for the targetname of the prop entity, note everything that is targeting it. If I still don't have a complete picture, start searching either for more targetname references or follow the output trails.

You can use a program called VMex to decompile official the maps, to look at entity setups etc.

If you just need the radio, it is a prop_physics_override, using "models/props/radio_reference.mdl" as the model.
It uses an ambient_generic to play the sound "ambient/music/looping_radio_mix.wav", with the source entity set to the radio.

yeah I knew all that about the radio except to use a special prop_pyshic thingie.

Thanks very much too for the rest for decompiling the map.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.