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Epic Introduction Thread

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npc_msleeper_boss wrote:
Tell us a bit about yourself and why you're here.


Hey folks, I've had an account here for a year or so. I've previously been with a comfortable Line Rider community, of which there is still a surprising amount of creativity still floating around. I'm here because I'd not only like to promote the maps I make on occasion, but would also like to learn how to use Hammer when I get time. How's that?

Welcome! I'm glad you're interested in hammer. We'd love to help you here. Glad you joined (a year ago).

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
Musical website Moddb

Greetings! Nice to meet you in advance, Thinking With Portals community!

As a hobby, I enjoy learning tools such as the SC2 Galaxy Editor, Hammer, and Unity.

Thank you for making this community what it is!


I'm basically this guy from forever ago who once was interested in Portal but eventually got around to doing other stuff, and it's very likely I will only stay for this one post.

Nevertheless, hello. I have just replayed Portal 1, the Flash Version mappack and Portal: Prelude, and as I type this I am re-downloading Portal 2.

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.

@echo off
title Introduction

echo Hello!
echo 1) Tell me more information, please
echo 2) Exit
set /p op=Reply: %=%
if %op%==1 goto A
if %op%==2 goto Z

echo I am a maodder/mapper.
echo I spend most of my time in the Portal 2 authoring tools.
echo I do a lot of coding as well. I am not too familiar
echo with the code that Valve uses, but I do know basic Batch,
echo Lua, and some C++.


(This message, when saved as [title].bat in Notepad or another text editor, can be used as a fully operable Batch file. And, no, I had nothing better to do when I learned Batch.)

Online daters be like:
Guy: Hey dure i will date u
Girl: sure
CJLERCH wrote:
- Batch -

Sorry, only logged-in users can see spoilers.

TheTobbell wrote:
CJLERCH wrote:
- Batch -

- More Batch -

function User:introduction()
local TheTobbell = 27
local CJLERCH = 94

if TheTobbell*3-14==CJLERCH then
function introduce()
print(Hi, TheTobbell, I see that you also know batch.)
print(Good to know that I'm not the only one who can find a use for that language.)
print(I mentioned that I know Lua, but only basic Lua.)
print(Do you also know Lua?)
print(Because, if this is wrong, and you SEE what's wrong, corrections would be very helpful.)
--[[I learned Lua from an old game, which didn't even use proper Lua. So any corrections would be great, in terms of helping me switch over to the real Lua.]]

Online daters be like:
Guy: Hey dure i will date u
Girl: sure
CJLERCH wrote:
TheTobbell wrote:
CJLERCH wrote:
- Batch -

- More Batch -

- Lua -

Sorry, only logged-in users can see spoilers.

TheTobbell wrote:
- Other Quotes + Lua -

It's off topic, but thanks for the suggestions, anyways :-D

Online daters be like:
Guy: Hey dure i will date u
Girl: sure

Alright, since no one's interested in a living relic (tell my 2009 self ASAP) I'm just going to play The Stanley Parable, and never ever speak of being a Portal fan again.

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
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