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Editing downloaded maps with in-game editor?

Here's my problem,

Made a map with the in game editor,
Published it,
Computer had a melt down, lost the original file,
I see something that needs changing in the now published map.

Happy days because it can still be played, because it's published; but is there a way to now open this downloaded map in the in-game editor again?

No, you'll have to Hammer it. But don't worry, most things that can be done in the PTI are easy in Hammer. If its just changing portalablity of a wall, that takes 2 seconds.

Alexander Bell wrote:
No, you'll have to Hammer it. But don't worry, most things that can be done in the PTI are easy in Hammer. If its just changing portalablity of a wall, that takes 2 seconds.

If you use hammer you'll need to decompile the bsp first. There's no way (that I know of) to get it back to the original p2c file that the pti editor uses. Your best bet is probably to remake it in the pti editor.

Mevious wrote:
If you use hammer you'll need to decompile the bsf first. There's no way (that I know of) to get it back to the original p2c file that the pti editor uses. Your best bet is probably to remake it in the pti editor.

This. AND your map, the .bsp file, is located into your portal2/portal2/maps/workshop folder. But it's into a numbered folder (something like "23454876453"), not in a folder with its name. So you have to loook into each one until you find it. Check the date the folder was created, that should give you a clue :wink: Also, it may be a screenshot inside the folder that can also help you identifying it.

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