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Custom Map Problems

Specifically, there's a glitch that I'm supposedly unaware of. I was playing on a custom map my friend made, and got to a point in the map that looks like this:
(apparently I can't use image tags). He said that there's a way to do it only with the repulsion gel there. The only glitch I know is he crouch, move forward, uncrouch and get speed. Anyone have a clue as to what this could be?

There's the ExFu glitch that's triggered sort of like that, but I've never seen it without, well, an excursion funnel.

Falsi sumus crusto!

I've tried everything in terms of ExFus on this part, I can't think of what else to do.
There's also no way to build up speed before that section.

Might be helpful if you posted the map and not just a screenshot...

taco wrote:
Might be helpful if you posted the map and not just a screenshot...
Big Mood

Sorry, should have done that initially. ... =136360988

It's a speedrunner map. It uses a technique called gel-strafing. Add me on steam for any more information on how it works and whatnot.

Big Mood