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Beta Neurotoxin Dialog

I found the script file "portal2/vscripts/choreo/sphere_sabotage01.nut" when I was rooting though the game files. This has a bunch of comments describing the referenced voice lines like the other scripts. Unlike the others, this one appears unused, corresponding to what seems like a more complex neurotoxin sabotage level with bombs and electromagnets. Wheatley/Pendleton describes the bombs as containing antimatter, and here seems to take a more active role where puzzles are concerned. Obviously the script has changed a lot, but I thought this might be still interesting.

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[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

Interesting. That seems to be from a time before the voice lines were recorded, when exploding futbols could still be picked up.

I wonder what you were supposed to do with the magnet, though. It sounds like you were supposed to swing it at the pipe to attract a futbol into hitting the glass, then grab a futbol with it to get it out of the pipe. But a phys_magnet in the Source engine only sticks to things on contact, it doesn't attract them. And a futbol would explode if it came into contact with the magnet.

Falsi sumus crusto!