RB-TAM update 23

Uploaded October 3, 2013 by radelite


RADELITES BEE 2 ADDON MOD What is Rb-tam? Rb-tam is a mod made to add many of the more unique testing elements you might have seen over the past few years in custom maps. From paint guns to portal detectors and many more amazing elements that I have found created by fellow users like yourself I have collected them and worked with many awesome mappers to give you a mod that lets you use their amazing items in your very own peti editor(with quite a few of my own items of course. How do you use this mod you might ask? Its very simple, all you do is install bee 2(it can be found on this website) Then download this and follow the embedded instructions Have fun, also thanks to all you awesome people who were kind enough to share your creations to be incorporated in this mod. When you create an AWESOME map with this mod make sure to copy this hashtag inside your description of your map #RB-TAM link to a collection of simple maps made with my mod for bee2http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=202463960 -planned updates- While I cannot update items in the mod at this time I do plan to make a webpage for the mod and maybe add an eh little treasure hunt eheh. Also plan to create new icon for mod.
