[SP] Testing is the future
Uploaded April 23, 2012 by soptipp1
DescriptionThis is my second map release. Its is a map pack where you explore a decayed Aperture Science and start testing as you go deeper into the facility. Feedback is appreciated. Credits: Skybox texture: komaokc (http://www.gamebanana.com/css/textures/3097) Grass texture: TopHATTwaffle (http://www.tophattwaffle.com/?page_id=63) v 1.0 -release v1.1 -changed white textures you couldn't place portals on to black textures -made fizzlers non-solid in map 2 chamber 3 -added a button for the box-dropper in map 2 chamber 3 -made the door close later in the end of map 3 so you won't get stuck -changed textures and lighting to improve visibility in some areas v1.2: check workshop for info |